We Need Your Help!

May 2018 Newsletter

We Need Your Help!
Dear Friends,

I am asking you to take a moment and call your state representative or senator to tell them why the "Nanticoke Senior Center” is so important to you! I often share with you the impact NSC has on our community: how many meals we serve, the participants we have in various programs and the various fund raisers we have going on to help make ends meet.

Last year we lost 20% of our "Grant In Aid” funding from the State of DE. We do not receive any funds from the federal government. We employ 18 part time people. We support our community by purchasing supplies from local vendors for: food services, facility maintenance, paper goods, etc. We utilize the services of many local contractors: plumbing, HVAC, equipment maintenance, roofers, etc.

Please help support us by contacting your local legislators to express concern regarding Grant In Aid cuts for "Nanticoke Senior Center”.

Go to Delaware.gov to identify your legislator. Send a letter, email or call them direct.

Kind Regards, Fran Todd

DE Representative Dan Short
Phone: (302) 628-5222

DE Senator Bryant Richardson
Phone: (302) 774-4084

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