Etiquette Tips

April 2018 Newsletter

Etiquette Tips
The rules of etiquette are a set of unspoken rules that have been determined by society as a whole. Etiquette is made up of social norms that evolve with repeated behaviors that are accepted within a society.

  • Manners cost us nothing; yet, earn us respect when we use them.
  • Don’t shout—Keep your voice down
  • Don’t interrupt—it’s selfish and ill-mannered
  • Don’t swear—it impresses nobody (it’s the language of those with limited vocabulary)
  • Members have a duty to look out for new members and guest; introduce them around and help them feel comfortable. Look out for anyone on the sidelines and draw them onto the activates.
  • Maintain high standards of honesty, integrity, decency, cooperation and respect
It’s your center. Promote its benefits and contribute toward improvement

Here are some examples of tips and things to avoid in order not to invade other peoples personal space:
  • Touching people — Touching people with whom you do not have close ties can be going out of your boundaries, and make others uncomfortable.
  • Standing too close to people — When talking to people, do not get too close, always respect someone’s personal space.
Bones of Nanticoke Senior Center The body of Nanticoke Senior Center has four kinds of bones:
  1. The WISHBONES who spend all their time wishing that someone else would do the job
  2. The JAWBONES who do all the talking but very little else
  3. The KNUCKLEBONES who knock everything that ever yone else tr ies to do
  4. The BACKBONES who get under the load and do the job
So, what kind of bone are you???

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